Connie Rees

xii (FSE) MR images Mog hada m et al. 200 6 (116 ) Retrospect ive diagnostic study To evaluate the role of MRI as a preoperat ive diagnostic tool for leiomyom a and adenomy osis 153 women with preoperat ive MRI before hysterecto my or myomecto my Univer sity hospita l (USA) Women undergoing hysterectomy or myomectomy with a preoperative MRI Not specified Focal or diffuse widening of JZ> 12 mm, uterine enlargement, focal or diffuse LSI myometrial area in T2-weighted images, on CE T1 small HSI myometrial spots Manufacturer Phillips Gyroscan System: 1.5T Slice thickness: NR Sequences: T2, T1 JZ thickness, Uterine enlargement, adenomyosis type, presence of HSI foci (on T1) NR Philli ps et al. 199 6 (121 ) Prospectiv e observati onal study To evaluate the accuracy of MRI for diagnosin g nodular adenomy osis By percutane ous myometri al biopsies 20 women with severe dysmenor rhea, chronic menorrha gia, and an MRI diagnosis of adenomy omas Comm unity hospita ls (USA) Women with enlarged uteri, chronic menorrhagia, and severe dysmenorrhe a thought to have adenomyom a on MRI prior to conservative surgery Endometrial cancer, premalignant lesions, leiomyoma, uterine cavity over 12cm, endometrial polyps Diffuse adenomyosis: diffuse non-uniform widening of the JZ. Adenomyoma: localized, illdefined, LSI mass, poorly marginated from the adjacent myometrium Manufacturer NR System: NR Slice thickness: NR Sequences: T2W, T1W JZ irregularity, uterine volume, lesion volume, LSI masses Endometrial tissue, glands, and stroma present within the myometrium, at least one low power field from the endomyometrial junction. After myometrial biopsy.