Connie Rees

xiii Rein hold et al. 199 6 (128 ) Prospectiv e cohort study To compare accuracy of TVUS to MRI in adenomy osis diagnosis with histopatho logic correlatio n 119 patients undergoin g hysterecto my Univer sity Hospit al (Cana da) Women undergoing hysterectomy Inadequate assessment of myometrium, endometrial carcinoma, technically inadequate TVUS due to large fibroids, refusal to undergo MRI Subjective impression of localized or diffuse thickening of the uterine JZ (with or without the presence of HSI foci in the JZ) or the presence of a LSI myometrial mass with ill-defined borders Manufacturer GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thickness: 5mm Sequences: T2W Uterine size, JZ Max, and Maximal JZ/Myometrial ratio, Adenomyosis type and localisation Presence of endometrial glands and/or stroma > 1 high power field deep to the endometrial myometrial junction Stam atop oulos et al. 201 2 (129 ) Prospectiv e observati onal cohort study To estimate the diagnostic performa nce of MRI in detection of fibroids and adenomy osis 153 women with an enlarged uterus and symptoms Univer sity Hospit al (Greec e) Heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic mass, bulky uterus (larger than 10 weeks’ gestational size) with no history of previous histologic investigation; no desire for further childbearing; and consent for total abdominal hysterectomy Pregnancy; desire to retain fertility; preoperative diagnosis of malignant disease requiring hysterectomy ; history of minimally invasive treatment of menorrhagia; need for uterine morcellation during surgery, medical contraindicati ons to surgery JZ > 12 mm, focal not welldemarcated areas were present in the myometrium, and non-uniform JZ Manufacturer Siemens, Magnetom Impact System: 1.0T Slice Thickness: NR Sequences: T1W, T2W JZ thickness, JZ irregularity, adenomyosis type, presence/size of fibroids, presence/size of leiomyosarcoma Ectopic endometrium was recognized >2 mm deep in the myometrium; Diffuse: When endometrial glands or stroma were diffusely distributed in the myometrium. Focal: When circumscribed nodular aggregates of glands or stroma were found within the myometrium. Adenomyomas: When a