Connie Rees

xiv circumscribed mass was found, composed of more than rare glands, predominantly of the endometrial type, and a stromal component that consisted primarily of smooth muscle Tellu m et al. 201 9 (45) Singlecentre prospectiv e observati onal cohort study To assess the diagnostic accuracy of JZ thickness ≥ 12mm and morpholo gical features of the JZ in MRI in diagnosin g adenomy osis in a premenopaus al study populatio n 93 premenopaus al women with a benign gynaecol ogical condition Univer sity Hospit al (Norw ay) Aged 30–50 years, having a benign condition, and hysterectomy being recommende d as the appropriate treatment by a gynaecologis t Presence of malignancy, the use of any hormonal medication 3 months prior to the ultrasound examination and hysterectomy , or the need to morcellate the uterus during the hysterectomy . One or more of: JZ Max ≥ 12 mm, myometrial cysts, or adenomyoma Manufacturer : Phillips Ingenia or Achieva System: 3.0T or 1.5T Slice Thickness: NR Sequences: T1W, T2W JZ thickness (Avg, Max, Min, Diff), myometrial cysts (on T1/T2), adenomyoma, JZ appearance, JZ/Myometrium ratio, Uterine shape, Fibroids (number), Size of largest fibroid Presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma at 2.5 mm below the endometrialmyometrial junction