Connie Rees

xxi clinical follow-up in patients with adenomyosi s. treatment with follow-up > 18 months after treatment Slice Thicknes s: 4mm Sequen ces: T2W, T1W, T1gadolini um CE treatment, Adenomyosis type, Uterine volume treatment. Adenomyosi s subtype no association with degree of symptom recurrence. Bourd on et al. 2018 (131) Prospect ive cohort study To compare serum cytokine profiles for the various adenomyosi s phenotypes vs. diseasefree women 80 women who had a pelvic MRI performed by the senior radiologist during preoperative workup Universit y Hospital (France) Non-pregnant patients <42 years who underwent surgical exploration by operative laparoscopy or laparotomy for benign gynaecological conditions Cancer or borderline tumours, no consent to participate Diffuse adenomyos is: JZ-max > 12 mm, JZmyometriu m ratio max > 40%. Focal adenomyos is: adenomyot ic foci located in the outer shell of the uterus, separated from the JZ Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces: T2W, T1W JZ thickness, JZ max, JZ/Myometri um ratio, presence of HSI spots in myometrium (on T2), adenomyosis lesion size, adenomyosis type, adenomyosis lesion localisation JZ thickness, JZ max, JZ/Myome trium ratio, adenomyo sis lesion size Mixed subtypes of adenomyosi s associated with lower proinflammator y cytokine levels Bragh eto et al. Prospect ive descripti ve study To evaluate the effect of the LNG-IUS on 29 Women with symptomatic Universit y Hospital (Brazil) Diagnosis of adenomyosis on MRI with dysmenorrhoea Endometrial polyps, Ovarian tumour/cyst, uterine >12mm JZ diameter OR Manufa cturer: Elscint JZ uniformity. JZ Max (at 3 points, the anterior, JZ Max, Endometri al thickness, Significant reduction in JZ thickness, and lesion