Connie Rees

xxii 2007 (132) adenomyoti c lesions diagnosed and monitored by MRI adenomyosi s and/or menorrhagia malformation, cervical stenosis, history of cancer, postmenopausal status, history of pelvic infection, desire for pregnancy, addition hormone therapy, MRI contraindication JZ diameter 812mm + illdemarcate d or focal thickening JZ with HIS foci System: 2.0T Slice Thicknes s: 4.0mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W posterior and fundal walls), Endometrial thickness, Uterine volume, presence of HSI foci (on T2) Uterine volume size after treatment. Also a concomitant significant reduction in dysmenorrh oea. No direct correlation investigated. Bratb y et al. 2009 (133) Retrospe ctive observat ional study (interim results) Evaluate role of UAE in treating adenomyosi s 27 Women with adenomyosi s within cohort of women with fibroids Local hospital (UK) Women with symptomatic fibroids and adenomyosis on biopsy and MRI NR Focal or diffuse JZ >11 mm, HSI foci correspond ing to myometrial cysts, poor definition of the JZ and poor definition of the lesion borders Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces: NR JZ thickness, Uterine/Aden omyoma volume, presence of HSI foci (unclear if T1 or T2), poor definition of JZ, presence of fibroids JZ thickness, Uterine volume, Adenomyo ma volume Women with only adenomyosi s (vs. adenomyosi s and fibroids) showed more lesion reduction after treatment, but had a higher recurrence of menorrhagi a. Byun et al. 1999 (134) Retrospe ctive observat ional study To review and illustrate the spectrum of MRI findings in diffuse and focal 308 patients undergoing hysterectom y Universit y Hospital (Korea) Women undergoing hysterectomy that underwent pre-operative MRI because of vaginal spotting, NR Diffuse adenomyos is: diffuse ectopic growth of endometriu m into myometriu Manufa cturer: GE Signa Advant age System: JZ thickness, areas of HSI in lesion (on T1/T2), lesion size, shape, location, margin, pseudoJZ thickness, lesion size No