Connie Rees

xxiii adenomyosi s premenstrual pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, suspicion uterine mass or fibroid or other findings. m with diffuse or focal widening of JZ. Focal adenomyos is: circumscrib ed mass in the myometriu m. 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W capsule and relation to endometrium Chapr on et al. 2017 (12) Prospect ive, observat ional, crosssectional study To investigate the relationship between endometrios is phenotypes (superficial peritoneal, deep infiltrating, ovarian endometrio ma) and MRI appearance of adenomyosi s 292 patients who underwent uterine surgery Universit y Hospital (France) Non-pregnant patients between 18 -42 years of age, and who underwent surgery for symptomatic benign gynaecological conditions, with pre-operative MRI Visually diagnosed as having endometriosis but lacking histological confirmation Diffuse adenomyos is: JZ-max > 12 mm, JZmyometriu m ratio max > 40%. Focal adenomyos is: adenomyot ic foci located in the outer shell of the uterus, separated from the JZ Manufa cturer: Siemens Sonata System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W JZ max, JZmyometrium ratio, HSI spots within myometrium (on T2), focal lesion size, focal lesion location JZ max, JZmyometriu m ratio, Focal lesion size No Dasho ttar et al. Prospect ive, diagnost ic, To evaluate the MRI findings of suspected 60 women with MRIconfirmed Tertiary Teaching Hospital (India) Patients with menorrhagia and MRI findings (1) Patients with normal sized uterus on USG with normal echo 1) JZ thickness >14mm 2) Poor Manufa cturer: Siemens Magnet JZ Max, JZ definition, presence of HSI foci (on JZ Max, Uterus length MRI phenotype of adenomyosi