Connie Rees

xxiv 2015 (306) analytic al study cases of adenomyosi s, and a comparative analysis of changes in the MRI findings in the pre & post LNGIUD patients adenomyosi s suggestive of adenomyosis texture of the myometrium. (2) JZ< 10mm on MRI (3) Patients who were claustrophobic (4) Patients lost to follow-up/ operated/expulsi on of IUD during the study and follow-up period. definition/ indistinct margins JZ 3) HSI foci in myometriu m. 4) JZ thickness 11-13mm and poor definition borders om Harmon y System: 1.0T Slice Thicknes s: 3-5mm Sequen ces T1, T2 T1/T2), uterus length, associated uterine lesions s did not change significantly after treatment, however there was a significant reduction in symptoms. Fan et al. 2012 Prospect ive intervent ional feasibilit y study To test the feasibility of MRgHIFUS for treatment of adenomyosi s. 10 Patients with symptomatic adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (China) (1) Clinical and MRI diagnosis of adenomyosis (2) > 18 years of age, in premenopausal status with lesions between 3 and 10 cm in diameter (3) Symptomatic adenomyosis requiring treatment (4) Able to communicate with the nurse or physician during the procedure; (5) Consent for pre/post MRI (1) Menstruating, pregnant or breastfeeding (2) MRI contraindication (3) Suspected or confirmed uterine malignancy NR Manufa cturer: GE Omnisc an System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W, T1gadolini um CE Lesion volume, lesion size, localisation, NPV Lesion volume, Lesion size Lesion and uterine volume decreased after treatment, alongside symptom reduction. No specific analysis evaluating a correlation between the two outcomes.