Connie Rees

xxv Ferrar i et al. 2015 (135) Prospect ive cohort study To evaluate the treatment efficacy of uterine adenomyosi s using MRgFUS as a miniinvasive therapy 18 patients with symptomatic adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (Italy) Premenopausal women affected by adenomyosis, diagnosed on MRI Contraindications to treatment JZ >12mm Manufa cturer: GE Signa Excite System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W Lesion volume, JZ thickness, Lesion localisation Lesion volume, JZ thickness Symptoms reduced, and JZ thickness decreased to <12mm for almost all patients. No direct correlation investigated. Froeli ng et al. 2012 (53) Retrospe ctive cohort study To evaluate clinical outcome and HRQoL of women with UAE for uterine adenomyosi s 40 women with symptomatic adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (German y) Premenopausal women with dominant menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea with or without bulk symptoms, MRI diagnosis of adenomyosis (with fibroids) Postmenopausal women, active inflammatory disease, undiagnosed pelvic mass, pregnancy, renal insufficiency JZ>12mm, with or without HSI foci Manufa cturer: Siemens Magnet om Vision or Sympho ny System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: NR JZ thickness, presence of HSI foci (unclear if on T1 or T2), adenomyosis type, presence of fibroids JZ thickness, Uterine volume Degree of symptom improvemen t seemingly independent of JZ thickness or adenomyosi s type.