Connie Rees

xxvi Sequen ces T2 Fukuni shi et al. 2008 (136) Prospect ive cohort study To evaluate the thermal ablative effects of MRgFUS on adenomyosi s and to assess improvemen t in clinical parameters 20 patients with adenomyosi s, with or without fibroids General Hospital (Japan) Premenopausal women >18y/o with symptomatic adenomyosis Submucosal fibroid, Abnormal PAP smear, Pregnant/lactatin g, Non-accessible lesion, Dialysis patients, Under anti-coagulative therapy, active pelvic infection, Haemolytic anaemia, Cerebrovascular disease, Unstable cardiac status, Pelvic mass outside uterus, Contraindication to MRI, Intolerance to MRI contrast agents, <35% Hematocrit, Extensive abdominal scars anterior to treatment area JZ>12mm Manufa cturer: GE Signa Excite System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces T1W, T2W, T1 gadolini um CE JZ thickness, Myometrium diameter, JZ/Myometri um ratio, Uterine volume, posttreatment NPV volume JZ thickness, JZ/Myome trium ratio, Myometriu m thickness, Uterine volume Degree of symptom improvemen t seemingly independent of JZ thickness or adenomyosi s type. Gong et al. 2017 (163) Retrospe ctive cohort study To investigate the relationship between the features of MRI on T2WI and 428 patients with symptomatic adenomyosi s undergoing HIFU ablation Universit y Hospital (China) Clinical adenomyosis symptoms, aged over 18 years Adenomyotic lesion could not be reached or visualised, Suspected/confir med uterine malignancy, MRI contraindications Focal/diffu se thickening JZ OR Presence LSI myometrial Manufa cturer: Siemens Magnet om Sympho ny Size/location uterus, Size/location adenomyotic lesion, Signal intensity lesion vs normal Uterine size, Lesion size, Number of HSI foci No significant difference between treatment response based on