Connie Rees

xxvii the therapeutic efficacy of HIFU on adenomyosi s. mass with ill-defined borders System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, gadolini um CE myometrium, Number of HSI foci on T2, NPV after therapy MRI phenotype Gong et al. 2016 (49) Retrospe ctive cohort study To investigate factors affecting ablative efficiency of HIFU for adenomyosi s 245 patients with symptomatic adenomyosi s treated with USgHIFU ablation Universit y Hospital (China) Menorrhagia/d ysmenorrhoea symptoms, No systemic diseases Adenomyotic lesion could not be reached or visualised, Pregnancy, Lactation or menstruation, Suspected/confir med uterine malignancy, MRI contraindications Focal/diffu se thickening JZ OR Presence LSI myometrial mass with ill-define borders Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Sympho ny System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, gadolini um CE Volume of adenomyotic lesion, Location adenomyosis, Uterus location, Number of HSI foci on T2, SI on T2, Enhancement type on T1 Lesion volume, Number of HSI foci No correlation between symptom reduction and lesion volume, or number of HSI foci