Connie Rees

xxviii Guo et al. 2017 (164) Nonrandomi zed prospect ive study Investigate clinical efficacy of GnRH-a and HIFU ablation for adenomyosi s treatment 79 patients with adenomyosi s (55 only HIFU, 24 HIFU+GnRH ) Nonacademi c Hospital (China) >18 years, premenopausal , diagnosis of adenomyosis based on MRI, menorrhagia/ dysmenorrhoea , JZ>30mm, unwilling to have hysterectomy/a denomyoectom y, no treatment for 1 year Menstruation, Pregnancy, lactation, suspected or confirmed endometriosis, Pelvic adhesions, Confirmed or suspected uterine malignancy Single layer of JZ >30mm Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces T2 Uterus volume , Adenomyotic lesion volume Uterus volume , Adenomyo tic lesion volume Severity of dysmenorrh oea no direct correlation with uterine or lesion volume Hasde mir et al. 2016 (4) Prospect ive, randomi sed study To compare the presence of adenomyosi s on MRI in patients with and without history of preeclampsi a 69 women, with PE (n=34) and without (n=35) Universit y Hospital (Turkey) Study group: diagnosis of preeclampsia Control: >1 pregnancy without preeclampsia Control group: History of infertility, Endometriosis, Fibroid, Uterine surgery (except CS), Hydatiform mole Any one of the following: Direct: Submucosa l microcysts, adenomyo ma/ cystic adenomyo ma. Indirect: JZ >12mm, JZ diff >5mm, JZ/Myome trium Ratio>40% , enlarged uterus, indistinct JZ borders Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 7 mm Sequen ces T2 Presence of submucosal microcysts (on T2), adenomyoma / cystic adenomyoma location, lesion size, JZ max, JZ min, JZ diff, JZ/Myometri um ratio JZ Max, JZ Min, JZ Diff, Mean JZ thickness, JZMyometriu m ratio, Uterus volume, Lesion volume Higher mean JZ seen in women with late-onset preeclampsi a, More intrauterine growth restriction in women with adenomyom as