Connie Rees

xxix Imaok a et al. 2002 (137) Prospect ive intervent ional cohort study Evaluate uterine changes on MRI before and after GnRH analogue treatment in diffuse adenomyosi s 31 patients with MRI features suggestive for diffuse adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (USA) Adenomyosis diagnosis based on pelvic pain/menorrha gia symptoms, and MRI imaging NR JZ >10mm with indistinct margins Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5-7 mm Sequen ces T2, T1 JZ thickness, distinction of JZ margins, uterus location, adenomyosis type, uterine asymmetry, presence of HSI foci on T2, uterine volume, myometrial thickness JZ thickness, Myometriu m thickness, Uterus volume, Uterine asymmetry All MRI parameters reduced after treatment, no correlation investigated between this and clinical symptoms. Jha et al. 2003 (138) Prospect ive intervent ional cohort study To determine the MRI features seen after UAE and to evaluate the clinical response in patients with adenomyosi s Patients with adenomyosi s treated with UAE Universit y Hospital (USA) Adenomyosis diagnosis based on MRI treated with UAE NR JZ >12mm Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Vision System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces T2W, T1W, T1 CE Uterus volume, Fibroid volume, JZ thickness, Myometrial thickness, adenomyosis type, presence of HSI foci (on T1 or T2) Uterus volume, JZ thickness, Myometria l thickness More symptoms reduction seen in women with pure adenomyosi s.