Connie Rees

xxxi Kang et al. 1996 (307) Prospect ive cohort study To investigate the specificity of the criterion stating that a diagnosis of adenomyosi s can be made confidently from MRI of the uterus when the JZ is > 5 mm 20 women undergoing MRI of the pelvis Universit y Hospital (USA) Women, 18-25 years old, nulliparous, no menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia or other symptoms of pelvic disorders, no surgical procedure of the pelvis Not meeting inclusion criteria NR Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces NR Uterus length, Anteroposteri or and transverse uterine diameter, Maximum thickness of endometrium, JZ Max, JZ thickness anterior/post erior/fundus/ right wall/left uterine wall JZ Max, JZ thickness of anterior/p osterior uterine wall, right/left uterine wall and fundus No Keser ci et al. 2018 (141) Retrospe ctive cohort study To assess the relationship between MRI T1 perfusionbased classification and the outcome of MRgHIFU of adenomyosi s, defined as NPV ratio 31 women who underwent HIFU treatment for adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (Malaysi a, Vietnam) 18-56 years, with symptomatic adenomyosis Endometrial disease, pelvic endometriosis, Uncontrolled systemic disease, Menstrual cycle, pregnant, Contraindication for MRI, Suspected malignancy NR Manufa cturer: Phillips, Ingenia System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, T1 dynami c CE SI-curves vs normal myometrium on T1 CE, JZ thickness, adenomyosis type, adenomyosis volume, NPV ratio JZ thickness, Adenomyo sis volume More symptom reduction associated with lower SI ratio