Connie Rees

xxxii Keser ci et al. 2018 (52) Retrospe ctive cohort study To investigate the MRI features influencing: an immediate NPVr of 90% after HIFU ablation of adenomyosi s, clinical efficacy, defined as adenomyosi s volume reduction and the symptom severity score improvemen t of 6 months’ follow-up, 66 women who underwent HIFU treatment for adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (Vietnam ) Symptomatic women with adenomyosis undergoing HIFU ablation Adenomyosis too deep in pelvis for ablation, Ovarian tumour, Endometriosis, Systematic disease, Cancer disease, Preference for alternative treatment NR Manufa cturer: Phillips, Ingenia System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, T1 dynami c CE Adenomyosis volume, Adenomyosis location, Adenomyosis type, Uterus position, SI of adenomyosis, Number of HSI foci (on T1), JZ/Myometri um ratio, Volume transfer constant, Reverse reflux rate constant, Volume fraction of extravascular extracellular space, Volume fraction of plasma Adenomyo sis volume, JZ thickness, JZ/Myome trium Ratio, Number of HSI foci Lesion volume reduction may correlate with symptom reduction Khand epark ar et al. 2018 (142) Retrospe ctive cohort study To assess the impact of highresolution MRI to detect the subtle nuances of uterine adenomyosi s and its 114 primarily infertile patients Referral Hospital (India) (a) Clinically diagnosed cases of primary infertility; (b) Suspicion of adenomyosis on TAUS/TVUS; ( c) Non- visualization/ (a) Other causes of primary infertility including: Mullerian ductal anomalies, ovulation factors, and, hormonal factors such as hypothalamicNR Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Skyra System: 3.0T Uterine size, Uterine morphology, Endometrium thickness, Endometrium sharpness, JZ thickness, JZ SI, presence of HSI foci in JZ (on T2), Uterine size, Endometri um thickness, JZ thickness No