Connie Rees

xxxiv 5.5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W Kissler et al. 2006 (77) Prospect ive observat ional cohort study To analyse the extent of adenomyosi s using MRI and relate it to the duration of dysmenorrh oea 70 patients with severe dysmenorrh oea Universit y Hospital (German y) Patients with severe dysmenorrhoea with or without infertility NR JZ >9mm Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Sympho ny System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5.5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W Adenomyosis type, JZ thickness, Myometrial thickness JZ thickness, Myometria l thickness Higher JZ associated with longerterm dysmenorrh oea Kilicke smez et al. 2009 (143) Prospect ive observat ional study To calculate the normal and diseased ADC values of the uterine zones, and to determine a threshold ADC value 87 patients (35 fibroid, 26 nabothian cysts, 14 endometrial carcinoma, 12 adenomyosi s, 10 cervical Universit y Hospital (Turkey) Malignant/beni gn uterine lesion NR NR Manufa cturer: Siemens , Avanto System: 1.5T JZ thickness, Myometrium thickness, ADC values ADC values per uterine zone (benign, normal, malignant) , JZ Thickness, Myometriu No