Connie Rees

xxxv for the detection of uterine malignancie s carcinoma, 10 endometrial polyps), 50 healthy controls (5 perimenopa usal, 4 postmenopa usal, 41 premenopa usal) Slice Thicknes s: 6.0 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, DWI, T1-CE m Thickness Kim et al. 2011 (144) Retrospe ctive observat ional study (interim results) To evaluate the degree of symptomatic relief as well as alterations in pain levels after MRgFUS treatment 35 women with adenomyosi s that underwent MRgFUS Universit y Hospital (South Korea) Women with adenomyosis undergoing MrgFUS treatment with dysmenorrhoea / hypermenorrho ea Not completing treatment NR Manufa cturer: NR System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces NR Adenomyosis type, Presence of fibroids, Uterine volume, JZ/Myometri um ratio, JZ Thickness Uterine volume, JZ/Myome trium ratio, JZ Thickness More symptom reduction in diffuse group, Kim et al. 2011 (169) Prospect ive intervent ional study To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a new embolisation technique to achieve complete necrosis of 40 patients with adenomyosi s diagnosed on MRI Universit y Hospital (South Korea) Adenomyosis diagnosed on MRI without fibroids Presence of fibroids, Incomplete treatment JZ >12mm, ill-defined SI, HSI foci Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Adenomyosis type, SI on T2, degree of necrosis after UAE, Uterine volume Uterine volume Low initial SI associated with better therapy response