Connie Rees

xxxvi adenomyosi s after UAE and to determine predictive factors on MRI Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T2W T1W Kim et al. 2004 (145) Retrospe ctive intervent ional cohort study To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of UAE for the treatment of symptomatic pure adenomyosi s of the uterus without fibroids 43 women with symptomatic adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (South Korea) Symptomatic women with pure adenomyosis undergoing UAE Presence of fibroids Poorly defined, low SI mass with or without HSI foci on T2weighted imaging and thickening of JZ > 12 mm Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Vision System: NR Slice Thicknes s: 6 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W, T1 CE Degree of necrosis, Uterine volume, Adenomyosis type, JZ thickness Uterine volume, JZ thickness Focal adenomyosi s showed a better therapy response. Symptoms and uterine volume significantly decreased after treatment. No direct correlation investigated. Kitam ura et al. 2006 (146) Prospect ive observat ional study To describe the MRI features of patients with pure or dominant adenomyosi s treated 31 women with adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (USA) Symptomatic women with clinical suspected adenomyosis Adenomyosis not being the dominant abnormality JZ > 12 mm, dominant adenomyos is was diagnosed when coexisting Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Vision Uterine volume, JZ thickness, JZ/Myometri um ratio, Adenomyosis distribution Uterine volume, JZ thickness, JZ/Myome trium ratio Uterine volume, JZ and JZ/Myo ratio significantly decreased after therapy. No