Connie Rees

xxxviii Kunz et al. 2007 (148) Prospect ive observat ional study To present a comprehensi ve view of adenomyosi s as a disease possibly affecting women all of ages during the reproductive phase of life 160 women with infertility due to endometrios is, 67 healthy controls Universit y hospital (German y) History of infertility with endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy, with a regular menstrual cycle Irregular menstrual cycle, Bleeding disorder, Uterine anomalies (fibroids, congenital) NR Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Impact System: 1.0T Slice Thicknes s: 3-4mm Sequen ces T2W JZ thickness, Myometrium thickness, JZ/Myometri um ratio JZ thickness, Myometriu m thickness, JZ/Myome trium ratio Larger posterior JZ in women with concomitant endometrios is. Kunz et al. 2005 (100) Prospect ive observat ional study To substantiate role of adenomyosi s in infertility 160 women with infertility due to endometrios is, 67 healthy controls Universit y hospital (German y) History of infertility with endometriosis diagnosed by laparoscopy, with a regular menstrual cycle Irregular menstrual cycle, Bleeding disorder, Uterine anomalies (fibroids, congenital) NR Manufa cturer: Siemens Magnet om Impact System: 1.0T Slice Thicknes s: 3-4mm Sequen ces T2W JZ thickness, Endometrium length, Uterine length, Total myometrium thickness Endometri um length, JZ thickness, Myometriu m thickness, Uterine length Women with endometrios is also had the most extensive adenomyosi s. No correlation with degree of endometrios is infiltration.