Connie Rees

xli the association of adenomyosi s with endometrios is and (2) to extend our views concerning the mechanisms of uterine autotraumatizati on. not be related to functional alterations Slice Thicknes s: 3 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W structures (on T2) Lohle et al. 2007 (150) Multicentre Retrospe ctive study To evaluate clinical and MRI results after UAE in women with symptomatic adenomyosi s with or without uterine leiomyoma 38 women with symptomatic adenomyosi s treated with UAE (adenomyos is only n=12, adenomyosi s dominance with fibroids, n=12, fibroid dominance n=8) 2 public hospitals (Netherl ands & Germany ) Women having undergone UAE NR Diffuse or focal broadenin g of the JZ >12mm with LSI on T2W images, with or without punctate HSI myometrial foci correspond ing to myometrial cysts Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Vision/ Sympho ny System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces Uterine volume, Fibroid volume, JZ thickness, Contrast enhancement, Adenomyosis type Uterine volume, JZ thickness More JZ decrease in fibroid group. Significant uterine volume reduction after treatment. No specific correlation between these parameters and symptom reduction investigated.