Connie Rees

xlii T2W, T1W, T1-CE Long et al. 2015 (166) Prospect ive intervent ional study To evaluate the efficacy, safety and sexual life quality outcomes of ultrasoundguided HIFU ablations for the treatment of patients with symptomatic adenomyosi s and uterine volumes >200 cm3 51 adenomyosi s patients with a uterine volume >200 cm3 Universit y Hospital (China) Adenomyosis diagnosis confirmed by at least two gynaecologists and HIFU physicians according to clinical manifestations and MRI. >18 years, no medical treatments at 3 months before surgery. Patients with adenomyosis >3 cm diameter, located at unilateral uterine muscle walls with surgical indications, had desire to receive treatments and complied with 12 month follow-up. Accurate communication with physicians Acute pelvic inflammation or acute episodes of chronic pelvic inflammation, patients during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation periods. Connective tissue illnesses or received abdominal radiotherapy with a large dosage. Patients which had undergone enhanced MRI and had anaesthetic contraindications NR Manufa cturer: SIemens , Magnet om Vision System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces: T1W spinecho, T2W spinecho, T1W gradien t-echo Size and location of lesions (anterior or posterior wall). Lesion and uterus volume Uterus volume, adenomyo sis lesion volume Uterine and lesion volume reduced after therapy. No specific correlation investigated between volume reduction and degree of symptom reduction.