Connie Rees

xliii and nurses, no other complications, <51 years, partners alive Marce llin et al. 2018 (151) Prospect ive observat ional crosssectional study To evaluate the association between bladder DIE and anterior focal adenomyosi s of the outer myometrium (aFAOM) diagnosed by preoperativ e MRI. Women undergoing surgical excision of endometrios is Universit y hospital (France) <42 years, nonpregnant, with surgery of endometriosis lesions No pre-operative MRI, Women with cancer, Infectious disease, No consent Diffuse adenomyos is: JZ Max> 12 mm and maximal JZ/myomet rial ratio > 40%. FAOM: presence of HSI foci within the myometriu m on axial and sagittal T2 planes. Focal adenomyos is: correspond s to subtype II (extrinsic) according to the Kishi classificatio n and must be considered Manufa cturer: Siemens , Sonata System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W Adenomyosis type, localisation, JZ thickness, JZ Max, JZ/myometriu m ratio, myometrium thickness. Adenomyosis volume, HSI foci (on T2), posterior FAOM Adenomyo sis volume, JZ thickness, JZ Max, Myometriu m thickness, JZ/Myome trium ratio No correlation between symptoms and adenomyosi s (subtype) on MRI.