Connie Rees

xliv as focal adenomyos is located in the outer myometriu m (FAOM). Nijen huis et al. 2015 (60) Prospect ive observat ional study To assess midterm outcome of UAE for women with therapy resistant adenomyosi s using polyzene Fcoated hydrogel microsphere s 29 women with adenomyosi s (15 in combination with fibroids) Universit y Hospital (Netherl ands) Women with therapyresistant adenomyosis with or without fibroids, suffering from heavy menstrual pain or bulk related symptoms or a combination Pregnancy, Suspicion or presence of a malignancy or infection, Already infarcted fibroids, Post-menopausal status, Asymptomatology and women who wished to conceive LSI of the myometriu m on T2W images, Diffuse or focal thickening of JZ >12 mm with or without HSI foci correspond ing to myometrial cysts Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces T2W,, T1W, T1-CE JZ thickness, Uterine volume, Infarction percentage of fibroids and uterus JZ thickness, Uterus volume JZ thickness could predict therapy response. Higher baseline JZ associated with symptom recurrence. Parker et al. 2006 (152) Prospect ive clinical trial To evaluate whether persistence of pelvic pain after excision of endometrios is was associated with adenomyosi s as defined by a 53 women with chronic pelvic pain Governm ent research hospital (USA) Reproductive aged women with chronic pelvic pain. NR JZ > 11 mm Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces JZ thickness, Presence of endometriosis JZ thickness Higher mean JZ associated with less symptom reduction, higher baseline pain levels, age and parity. Endometrios is stage not associated