Connie Rees

xlvi Sam et al. 2019 (155) Multicen tre retrospe ctive cohort study To determine the diagnostic accuracy of commonly described sonographic findings in predicting uterine adenomyosi s 649 patients undergoing MRI and ultrasound 3 Teaching hospitals (Canada ) Patients that underwent ultrasound 12 months or more before pelvic MRI, 18 years or older, whose definitive diagnosis for the presence/abse nce of adenomyosis was documented on the clinical MRI report Cases involving equivocal diagnosis of adenomyosis on MRI or those in which MRI was not evaluable. Cases in which adenomyosis was detected incidentally JZ thickness > 12 mm OR JZ thickness 812 mm with the presence of at least one of the following: myometrial cysts, JZ Diff >5mm and maximum JZ/Myome trium Ratio >40% Manufa cturer: NR System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4-6 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W Uterus volume, JZ thickness, JZ Diff, JZ/Myometri um Ratio, SI of myometrium (on T2) Uterus volume, JZ thickness, JZ Diff, JZ/Myome trium Ratio, No Siskin et al. 2001 (156) Retrospe ctive cohort study To evaluate the MRI appearance and clinical response of patients undergoing UAE for the treatment of menorrhagi a due to adenomyosi s 15 patients with adenomyosi s and menorrhagi a Universit y Hospital (USA) Women visiting the outpatient clinic initially diagnosed with uterine fibroids by their gynaecologists, with signs of adenomyosis on MRI NR JZ > 12mm. Presence of myometrial HSI foci was considered ancillary evidence of adenomyos is Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W JZ Thickness, JZ Max, Adenomyosis type, Uterine volume, Presence of fibroids, Fibroid volume JZ Thickness, JZ Max, Uterine volume JZ thickness , Uterine volume and symptoms reduced after treatment. No direct correlation investigated. Smeet s et Retrospe ctive To evaluate long-term 40 women with Regional hospital Women with adenomyosis NR Diffuse or focal JZ Manufa cturer: JZ Thickness, adenomyosis JZ thickness No direct correlation