Connie Rees

xlviii a in comparison with histopatholo gic findings. adenomyom as with preoperative MRI mass with embedded HSI foci on T2W images om Sonata System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4-5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, T1-CE Lesion SI, SI pattern of lesion borders (on T1/T2) Stoeli nga et al. 2014 (159) Prospect ive diagnost ic evaluati on study To estimate the interobserver agreement and reproducibili ty of realtime sonoelastograph y and realtime grayscale US in the measuremen t of uterine and fibroid volumes. To evaluate agreement between real-time gray-scale Premenopau sal women suspected of having fibroids (n=10), adenomyosi s (n=10), 10 women without gynaecologi c disorders or current complaints Universit y Hospital (Netherl ands) Premenopausal women: 10 with uterine fibroids, 10 with adenomyosis, 10 with no gynaecologic disorders. Patients who had started medication or had undergone uterine surgery in the period between US and MRI JZ >12mm or JZ Diff > 5mm Manufa cturer: Siemens Sonata or Avanto System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4mm Sequen ces T2 JZ Thickness, JZ Diff, Uterine length, width, diameter, Uterine volume, Presence of fibroids, Fibroid volume JZ thickness, JZ Diff, Uterus volume, Uterine length/wid th/diamete r No