Connie Rees

xlix US, sonoelastograph y and MRI with respect to these outcomes. To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of sonoelastograph y in the diagnosis of uterine pathology on stored sonoelastograph y and grayscale cine loops Streuli et al. 2016 (160) Prospect ive crosssectional study To assess whether serum osteopontin levels are different according to specific MRI phenotypes of adenomyosi s and endometrios is 148 nonpregnant women <42 years, undergoing surgery for a benign gynaecologi cal condition and who had a preoperative pelvic MRI Universit y Hospital (France) All nonpregnant women <42 years who underwent a surgical intervention by laparoscopy or laparotomy for a benign gynaecological indication Women with cancer or borderline tumours, those who did not consent to the study Diffuse Adenomyo sis JZ Max >12 mm and/or JZ /Myometri um Ratio>40% and/or HSI myometrial spots . Focal adenomyos is; Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces NR Adenomyosis type, JZ thickness, Myometrial thickness, JZ/myometriu m ratio, Presence of HSI foci (on T2) JZ thickness, JZ Max, myometrial thickness, JZ/Myome trium ratio Focal adenomyosi s associated with best therapy response. Significant uterine volume and symptom reduction after treatment. No direct