Connie Rees

l localized, ill-defined, LSI mass in the myometriu m correlation investigated. Verm a et al. 2009 (161) Retrospe ctive cohort study to describe the sonohysterograp hic features of adenomyosi s with MRI correlation 26 women who underwent SHG and MRI with suspected adenomyosi s Universit y Hospital (USA) Women with suspected adenomyosis undergoing SHG and MRI NR One of the following: JZ > 12 mm, JZ cysts, or indistinct JZ margins Manufa cturer: GE, Signa System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 5-6 mm Sequen ces T2W, T1W, CE JZ thickness, JZ irregularity, Adenomyosis type JZ thickness No Wang et al. 2016 (170) Prospect ive intervent ional cohort study To evaluate the safety and efficacy of UAE for the treatment of adenomyosi s. 117 Premenopau sal patients diagnosed with adenomyosi s Teaching hospital (China) Premenopausal patients presenting with adenomyosis with heavy menstrual bleeding and dysmenorrhea Confirmed pregnancy, active pelvic inflammatory disease, renal insufficiency, undiagnosed pelvic mass, or urogenital infections NR Manufa cturer: NR System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces Uterine volume Uterine volume Significant decrease in uterine volume after treatment. No relationship to clinical outcomes mentioned.