Connie Rees

lii treatment for adenomyoti c patients with or without prior abdominal surgical scars myometrial mass with ill-defined borders Sympho ny System: 1.5T Slice Thicknes s: 4 mm Sequen ces T1 Yang et al. 2011 (172) Retrospe ctive cohort study To investigate the value of DWI-MRI, especially ADC in the differentiatio n of uterine adenomyosi s and fibroids 39 patients (fibroid n=17, adenomyosi s n=22) Universit y Hospital (China) Histopathologic confirmed uterine fibroid or uterine adenomyosis; underwent DWI Endometrial carcinoma; Leiomyosarcoma of uterus Histopathol ogical diagnosis, not specified for MRI Manufa cturer: Siemens , Magnet om Trio System: 3.0T Slice Thicknes s: 5 mm Sequen ces T1W, T2W, DWI ADC values, SI, presence of HSI foci (on T1/T2) ADC values Higher ADC values in adenomyosi s vs. fibroids. No correlation to clinical outcomes investigated. Yang et al. 2019 (171) Prospect ive intervent ional To evaluate the combined efficacy of 466 adenomyosi s patients with Universit y Hospital (China) (1) Clinical symptoms of progressive dysmenorrhea (1) Pregnancy, lactation or menstruation; Not specified (only Manufa cturer: NR Uterine volume, Adenomyosis type Uterine volume No specific correlation between MRI