Connie Rees

liii cohort study HIFU, GnRH-a) and the (LNGIUS) for the treatment of severe adenomyosi s moderate to severe dysmenorrh oea and/or menorrhagia and no dyspareunia; (2) A large uterine size > 12 weeks pregnancy, an irregular spherical shape during gynaecological examination or a uterine cavity > 9 cm by hysteroscopy; (3) Enlargement of the uterus, an uneven echo of the myometrium and an unclear myometrium and lesion size by TVUS examination; (4) No use of steroid hormones or GnRHa 6 months before treatment and no contraindicatio ns for GnRH-a and an (2) Acute pelvic inflammation; (3) Suspected gynaecological malignancy; (4) History of radiotherapy; (5) Inability to communicate with doctors during the procedure based on TVUS) System: NR Slice Thicknes s: NR Sequen ces NR parameters and symptom reduction investigated.