Connie Rees

lxii Dueholm et al. 2001 presence of endometrial glands or stroma deep in the endometrial– myometrial junction and the diagnostic criterion of adenomyosis was satisfied when it exceeded one medium power (3100) field (i.e., ;2 mm deep into the endometrial– myometrial junction) Yes Yes, Single observer, blinded Yes low Yes Hamimi et al. 2015 Not mentioned Not mentioned Unclear Unclear Unclear, unknown what definition or method was used Unclear Hricak et al. 1992 NR Yes Yes Unclear Unclear Yes Masui et al. 2003 NR, but only after hysterectomy Yes Yes Unclear Unclear, unknown what definition or method was used Unclear Moghadam et al. 2006 Not mentioned Yes No, retrospecti ve yes unclear yes Phillips et al. 1996 Myometrial biopsy Yes Unclear Yes High, biopsy less accurate Somewhat, as only biopsies were taken. Reinholdt et al. 1996 Endometrial glands and/or stroma > 1 HPF deep to the endometrial myometrial junction Yes Yes yes low yes Stamatopoulo s et al. 2012 Ectopic endometrium >2 mm deep in the myometrium or .1 microscopic field at 10-fold Unclear No yes High, not blinded yes