Connie Rees

lxiii magnification from the endomyometrial junction; adenomyotic foci circumferentially surrounded by bundles of hypertrophic smooth muscle cells at HE staining; or stromal fibroblasts clearly differed cytologically from the adjacent smooth muscle cells. Diffuse: endometrial glands or stroma were diffusely distributed in the myometrium. Focal: circumscribed nodular aggregates of glands or stroma were found within the myometrium. Adenomyomas: circumscribed mass was found, composed of more than rare glands, predominantly of the endometrial type, and a stromal component that consisted primarily of smooth muscle Tellum et al. 2019 presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma at 2.5 mm below the endometrialmyometrial junction Yes Yes yes Low yes Tian et al. 2016 NR Unclear Unclear Unclear Unclear yes