cii 3C. MRI Parameters Measured Table 3.S1: Overview of Assessed MRI parameters MRI characteristic Definition Unit (stratification) Mean JZ thickness Mean of JZ at six points of the uterus: anterior fundus, posterior fundus, anterior mid-corpus, posterior mid-corpus, anterior isthmus, posterior isthmus Millimetres Maximal JZ thickness (JZ Max) Maximal diameter of JZ, out of all imaging planes Millimetres (³12) Minimal JZ thickness (JZ Min) Minimal diameter of JZ Millimetres JZ differential (JZ Diff) Measure of JZ irregularity, difference between maximal and minimal JZ thickness Millimetres (³5) JZ asymmetry (JZ Asym) Absolute difference between anterior and posterior JZ thickness (based on measurements at six points of the uterus as previously described) Millimetres Uterine length Measured from cervix to fundus in sagittal orientation Millimetres Uterine volume Volume of the uterus in three orientations: sagittal, transversal and coronal Millimetres3 Mean uterine wall thickness Measured from endometrium to myometrium at six points of the uterus as previously described Millimetres Mean uterine wall asymmetry Absolute difference between anterior and posterior uterine wall thickness Millimetres JZ to myometrium ratio (JZ/MYO) Ratio of JZ to full myometrium thickness (based on measurements at six points of the uterus as previously described) Percentage (>40) High signal intensity foci (HSI Foci) Presence of high signal intensity myometrial foci on T2 or T1 imaging Signal intensity ratio Signal intensity ratio of adenomyotic tissue compared to that of the rectus muscle on T2 imaging Unitless MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging. JZ = Junctional Zone