Connie Rees

cxxiv CHAPTERS NINE and TEN: 10A. : Local Protocol for Pelvic MRI MRI for Endometriosis Diagnosis: Patients with suspected or known endometriosis are given an MRI according to the following protocol in our centre. There is a preference for using the 3 Tesla scan, however the 1.5 Tesla scan can also be used. Scan procedure, in chronological order Table10.S1 MRI Scan Procedure, in chronological order Setting Sequence Orientation T2 TSE Sagittal T2 TSE Transverse T2 TSE Coronal T1 (spiral) TSE Transverse TSE: turbo spin echo Contrast agent: none. Medication: Buscopan/Glucagon (muscle relaxants) are given in order to minimise the effect of uterine contractions on the evaluation of the images. MRI for Adenomyosis Embolisation Additional MRI’s may be carried out in patients with fibroids or (focal) adenomyosis in order to determine the suitability of the lesion for potential uterine artery embolization. There is a preference for using the 3 Tesla scan, however the 1.5 Tesla scan can also be used. This is carried out using the following protocol (in chronological order): Table 10.S2 MRI Scanning protocol, in chronological order Setting Sequence Orientation T2W TSE Sagittal T1W TSE Transverse T1W TSE Sagittal Injection of contrast agent T2W TSE Transverse T1W TSE Sagittal *T2W: T2 weighted TSE: turbo spin echo Contrast agent: Gadolinium pentate