Connie Rees

cxxxi Live Birth 0.510 (0.264-0.985) 0.374 (0.082-1.700) Adenomyosis Patients with JZ-Diff <5mm (N=13) Adenomyosis Patients with JZ-Diff>5mm (N= 110) Biochemical Pregnancy 0.396 (0.084-1.856) 0.729 (0.431-1.234) Ongoing Pregnancy 0.232 (0.293-1.856) 0.543 (0.295-1.001) Live Birth 0.255 (0.032-2.041) 0.519 (0.273-0.990) Adenomyosis Patients with JZMyometrium <40% (N=31) Adenomyosis Patients with JZ-Myometrium Ratio >40% (N=92) Biochemical Pregnancy 0.878 (0.379-2.033) 0.633 (0.357-1.122) Ongoing Pregnancy 0.665 (0.255-1.738) 0.454 (0.255-1.738) Live Birth 0.598 (0.212-1.683) 0.453 (0.222-0.921) Diffuse Adenomyosis (N=31) Focal Adenomyosis (N=58) Biochemical Pregnancy 0.943 (0.417-2.131) 0.497 (0.297-1.035) Ongoing Pregnancy 0.552 (0.198-1.542) 0.476 (0.210-1.078) Live Birth 0.583 (0.209-1.201) 0.525 (0.230-1.626) Adenomyosis Alone (n=31) Adenomyosis and Endometriosis (n=93) Biochemical Pregnancy 0.854 (0.362-2.011) 0.635 (0.361-1.117) Ongoing Pregnancy 0.738 (0.274-1.985) 0.440 (0.225-0.861) Live Birth 0.652 (0.225-1.889) 0.440 (0.219-0.886) Adenomyosis without DIE (n=98) Adenomyosis with DIE (n=26) Biochemical Pregnancy 0.764 (0.445-1.310) 0.399 (0.130-1.226) Ongoing Pregnancy 0.574 (0.307-1.074) 0.244 (0.055-1.084) Live Birth 0.542 (0.280-1.050) 0.272 (0.061-1.212) *Multivariate logistic regression adjusted for: age at time of IVF, IVF or ICSI treatment, embryo quality, year of IVF treatment and number of transferred embryos,