Connie Rees

cxxxiii Epidural during labour Epidural at CS Spinal at CS General anaesthesia at CS Unknown Labor complications Presence of meconium in amniotic fluid Foetal distress (as an indication for operative delivery or caesarean section_ Prolonged labour (rupture of membranes >24h) Shoulder dystocia Failure to Progress Stagnation/Slow progress of labor, as reported as an indication for operative delivery or caesarean section, stratified to: - Primary phase of labor - Secondary phase of labor Foetal position/presentation Cephalic Shoulder Breech Duration of cervical dilatation <6 hours 6-12 hours 12-24 hours >24 hours Duration of active pushing during labour <1 hour 1-2 hours 2-4 hours >4 hours Unknown Mode of Delivery Spontaneous vaginal Forceps/Vacuum extraction Breech delivery Emergency CS (with indication) Elective CS (with indication) Unknown Post-partum complications None PPH >1000mL Placental Retention Puerperal fever/Endometritis Other Location of delivery Home or primary care centre (with midwife) Secondary/Tertiary Hospital (with gynaecologist) Maternal hospital admission Yes/no, with duration Neonatal Outcomes Neonatal Mortality Yes/No, with cause(s) of death (including pathology report) Antepartum Durante partum 24 hours post-partum Day 2 – 7 Day 8 – 28 >28 days of age Unclear Stillbirth (Antepartum) Yes/no, with gestational age Gestational age at delivery In weeks/days