Connie Rees

84 Table 3.4: Univariate and Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis for Histopathological Adenomyosis Diagnosis. Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis Variable dOR 95% CI p-value dOR 95% CI p-value Age at MRI 1.037 .997-1.079 .070 1.044 .966-1.128 .275 BMI 1.015 .972-1.059 .506 1.036 .965-1.112 .327 Intoxications Smoking .868 .488-1.543 .629 Medical History History of Curettage 2.904 1.462-5.770 .002 2.332 .734-7.414 .151 Gravidity 1.074 .849-1.359 .551 Parity 1.038 .821-1.313 .753 History of Caesarean Section .600 .114-3.148 .546 Irregular Cycle .833 .450-1.543 .562 Hormonal Medication 1.232 .737-2.058 .426 Endometriosis 1.355 .851-2.157 .201 Uterine Fibroids .741 .458-1.197 .221 Symptoms Dysmenorrhoea 1.455 .499-4.243 .493 1.103 .210-5.787 .907 AUB 2.025 .674-6.080 .208 1.038 .260-4.139 .958 Chronic Pain 1.295 .212-7.917 .779 Subfertility .749 .427-1.314 .314 Dyschezia .631 .318-1.250 .187 Dyspareunia .957 .473-1.937 .903 MRI Features Mean JZ 1.132 1.061-1.207 <.001 1.203 1.040-1.392 .013 JZ Max 1.083 1.039-1.128 <.001 JZ Diff 1.089 1.035-1.146 <.001 Mean JZ Asymmetry 1.031 .979-1.087 .250 Mean Wall Thickness .997 .972-1.023 .823 Mean Wall Asymmetry 1.004 .988-1.021 .613 Mean JZ/MYO 4.148 1.102-15.61 .035 Mean Uterine Length .995 .987-1.002 .173 Mean Uterine Volume 1.000 1.000-1.000 .043 Adenomyosis Focus SI 1.001 1.000-1.002 .162 SI Ratio .936 .774-1.131 .492 JZ Max ³12 mm 2.138 1.268-3.605 .004