
111 Quantitative MR spectroscopic imaging in metachromatic leukodystrophy 7 Figure 1 : A: Top: sagittal 3DT1 weighted image showing position of CSI slab (field of view in yellow, PRESS VOI in white), original FLAIR image with rectangular PRESS VOI in white, FLAIR with lesions as outlined with clusterize (yellow), NAWM (gray scale) and cortical GM (red) as determined on lesion-filled 3DT1 weighted image. Bottom: partial volume estimates (PVE) of respective tissue classes within MRSI grid. B,C: Spectra (1.5T, PRESS, TR/TE 3000/30 ms) of selected and indicated WM voxels in 2 patients at baseline. B: juvenile MLD, no HCT, poor outcome. NAA concentration in overall WM is 0.92 mM. C: juvenile MLD, with HCT, good outcome. NAA concentration is 5.9 mM. Indicated concentrations are based on analysis of all WM voxels.