
130 Chapter 8 Figure 1. TBSS analysis for FA, MD, AD and RD comparing HCT-eligible patients vs control subjects (left column), non-eligible patients vs. control subjects (middle column) and non- eligible vs. eligible patients (right column). FA was decreased (orange-yellow) in eligible and non-eligible patients compared to controls and in non-eligible patients compared to eligible patients in almost the whole skeleton. MD and RD were increased (blue-lightblue) in both patient groups compared to controls, and in non-eligible patients compared to eligible patients. AD was increased in eligible patients compared to controls in parts of the skeleton. When comparing non-eligible patients to controls or to eligible patients, AD was increased mainly in the thalamus (blue-lightblue), and decreased in WM areas including the corpus callosum (orange-yellow). The part of the WM skeleton that does not differ between groups is indicated in green. A family-wise error corrected p<0.05 was considered significant. In the TBSS analysis of all baseline examinations (see Fig. 1), FA was decreased in HCT- eligible and non-eligible patients compared to controls, and in non-eligible patients compared to eligible patients in almost the entire skeleton. An increase of MD and RD in both patient groups compared to controls was also observed in almost the whole skeleton. An increase of MD and RD in non-eligible patients compared to eligible patients was limited to a smaller part of the skeleton. An increase in AD in HCT-eligible patients compared to controls was restricted to part of the periventricular WM and the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. In HCT-non-eligible patients compared to both controls and eligible patients, AD was increased mainly in the thalamus, but decreased in a large part of the skeleton, including the corpus callosum.