
152 Chapter 9 Table 3. Indication for cholecystectomy and histopathological findings Patient ID MLD type Age at cholecys- tectomy Indication Macroscopy Histopathology Storage material MLD-38 Juvenile 7 Episodes with severe colic-like abdominal pain Wall thickness 2mm, mucosa unrecognizable, hemorrhagic bile Intestinal metaplasia, focal prominent Rokitansky- Aschoff sinuses, hyperplastic polyps Numerous macrophages with metachromatic material in both polyp stroma and gallbladder wall MLD-37 Juvenile 12 Possible polyps Small gallbladder, wall thickness 3mm Gastric and intestinal metaplasia, prominent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, no polyps Scattered macrophages with metachromatic material in gallbladder wall MLD-46 Juvenile 30 Polyp Serosa slightly hemorrhagic, wall thickness 4mm Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, small finger like polyps No metachromatic material-containing macrophages MLD-60 Juvenile 13 Multiple polyps Serosa slightly hemorrhagic, wall thickness 4mm Intestinal metaplasia, focal prominent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, hyperplastic polyps Numerous macrophages with metachromatic material in both polyp stroma and gallbladder wall MLD-58 Juvenile 13 Multiple polyps Hemorrhagic bile Intestinal metaplasia, hyperplastic polyps, hyperplasia Numerous macrophages with metachromatic material in both polyp stroma and gallbladder wall MLD-61 Juvenile 21 Possible polyps Wall thickness 3mm, hemorrhagic bile Intestinal metaplasia, hyperplasia, prominent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses Numerous macrophages with metachromatic material in the gallbladder wall MLD-63 Juvenile 23 Polyps Several polyps, maximal diameter 5mm, wall thickness 3mm Adenomyomatosis, focal prominent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, hyperplastic, polyps, intestinal metaplasia Numerous macrophages with metachromatic material in the polyp stroma MLD-41 Adult 26 Recurrent pancreatitis n/a Cholelithiasis, no polyps Scattered macrophages with metachromatic material in gallbladder wall MLD-30 Adult 27 Multiple polyps Several polyps, maximal diameter 10mm,wall thickness 3mm, Polyps with villous aspect Numerous macrophages in the polyp stroma MLD-49 Adult 32 Suspected malignancy n/a Invasive poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma n/a MLD-2 Adult 33 Possible polyps Small gallbladder, bile completely absent, wall thickness 3mm Hyperplastic polyps, prominent Rokitansky- Aschoff sinuses Scattered macrophages with metachromatic material in both polyp stroma and gallbladder wall MLD-15 Adult 39 Possible polyps Small gallbladder, hardly any bile, wall thickness 4mm Intestinal metaplasia, hyperplasia, prominent Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, no polyps n/a