
69 Intrathecal baclofen treatment: metachromatic leukodystrophy versus spastic cerebral palsy 4 Table 2. Results per group at 6 months after starting ITB Baclofen in mcg per 24 hours (SD, range) Dose of baclofen in boluses in mcg per 24 hours (SD, range) Number of boluses (SD, range) SMLD 210 (119.97, 70 – 428) 112 (128.29, 10 – 335) 2.2 (0.45, 2 – 3) DMLD 308 (81.32, 250 – 365) 140 (84.85, 80 – 200) 2.5 (0.71, 2 – 3) SCP 150 (79.37, 60 – 277) 35 (33.91, 10 – 85) 1.5 (1.00, 1 – 3) SMLD = metachromatic leukodystrophy with predominant spastic motor impairment; DMLD = metachromatic leukodystrophy with predominant dyskinetic motor impairment; SCP = spastic cerebral palsy; ITB = intrathecal baclofen. Spastic cerebral palsy In SCP, the starting dose was 67μg per day (SD 19.64, range 50 – 96). At six months, four had a simple continuous program and four had a flexible program with boluses added. Mean dose of baclofen was then 150μg per day (SD 79.37, range 60 – 277) (Figure 2). Of patients with a flexible program, mean dose of baclofen given by boluses was 35μg per day (SD 33.91, range 10 – 85), administered in an average of 1.5 boluses (SD 1.00, range 1 – 3) (Table 2). As in MLD, no correlation was found between age at pump implantation and baclofen dosage at six months (R = 0.41 , p = 0.32). Comparison between groups SMLD vs DMLD At six months after initiating therapy, no statistically significant differences were found in the dose of baclofen between SMLD and DMLD patients (p = 0.32). The difference in simple continuous or flexible program with boluses was not significant between both groups (X(1) = 1.07, p = 0.30). In patients with a flexible program, the mean dosage of baclofen given in boluses (p = 0.79) and the number of boluses (X(1) = 0.63, p = 0.43) did not differ significantly between groups. SMLD vs SCP No statistically significant differences were found in the dose of baclofen between SMLD and SCP patients (p = 0.26) after six months. There was also no difference in whether patients had a simple continuous or flexible programwith boluses (X(1) = 0.25, p = 0.61). The number of boluses (X(2) = 6.98, p = 0.03) was significantly higher in the SMLD group. The mean dosage of baclofen given in boluses (p = 0.29) did not differ significantly between groups.