Eva van Grinsven

18 Supplementary materials Supplementary Table 2. Baseline characteristics in patient group. (continued) Clinical characteristic Total (n = 58) Bilateral 32 (55.2) Lobe involvement, n (%) Frontal 34 (58.6) Temporal 12 (20.7) Occipital 21 (36.2) Parietal 26 (44.8) Cerebellum 27 (46.6) Brainstem 3 (5.2) Primary tumor origin, n (%) Lung cancer 29 (50.0) Melanoma 14 (24.1) Breast Cancer 3 (5.2) Renal cell carcinoma 3 (5.2) Other 9 (15.5) Extracranial metastases, n (%) 34 (58.6) BMs as first symptom of cancer diagnosis, n (%) 18 (31.0) Previous brain RT, n (%) 9 (15.5) Previous BMs resection, n (%) 15 (25.9) Previous immuno-/chemotherapy, n (%) 43 (74.1) Dexamethasone use prior to RT, mg/day, median (IQR) 0.3 (0.0 – 4.0) Symptomatic BMs at diagnosis, n (%) 36 (62.1) Epilepsy d 10 (27.8) Motor d 11 (30.6) Sensory d 3 (8.3) Balance d 9 (25.0) Language d 1 (2.8) Visual d 8 (22.2) Cognitive d 7 (19.4) Headache d 12 (33.3) Other d 8 (22.2) aAccording to Verhage classification19, bself-reported, cn = 53, dPercentage of patients with symptomatic BMs at diagnosis. A