Eva van Grinsven

19 Appendices Subjective cognitive complaints Supplementary Table 3. Overview of reported subjective symptoms during the semistructured interview prior to NCA divided into physical and cognitive symptoms. Physical symptoms n (%) Cognitive symptoms n (%) Headache 12 (20.7) Memory 22 (37.9) Motor 22 (37.9) Orientation 3 (5.2) Coordination 10 (17.2) Attention & executive functioning 22 (37.9) Sensory 13 (22.4) Processing speed 14 (24.1) Visual 19 (32.8) Language 15 (25.9) Epilepsy 7 (12.1) Emotional processing 11 (19.0) Nausea 7 (12.1) Fatigue 36 (62.1) Neurocognitive functioning Supplementary Table 4. Cognitive test scores showing the group mean Z-scores for all neurocognitive (sub)tests and overall neurocognitive domain scores. Cognitive test or domain Mean Z score (SD) Range Attention (n = 55) 0.09 (0.72) -2.22 - 1.70 DS – Forward (n = 58) 0.17 (1.06) -2.00 - 2.67 TMT - Switching (n = 54)a 0.48 (0.88) -2.45 - 1.85 STROOP - Switching (n = 50)a -0.29 (1.11) -3.00 - 2.33 Executive function (n = 57) -0.13 (0.90) -2.33- 1.90 DS – Backward (n = 58) -0.18 (1.26) -2.67 - 3.00 Letter fluency (n = 56) -0.40 (1.07) -3.00 - 2.90 STROOP Inhibition (n = 51)a 0.23 (0.97) -2.67 - 2.00 Memory (n = 57)a -0.58 (0.97) -3.81- 0.56 HVLT-R - Immediate recall (n = 56)a -1.01 (1.27) -5.00 - 0.84 HVLT-R - Delayed recall (n = 56)a -0.84 (1.31) -4.33 - 0.82 HVLT-R - Delayed recognition (n = 56)a -1.34 (1.91) -8.25 - 0.81 ROCFT - Delayed Recall (n = 56) 0.16 (1.03) -2.27 - 2.19 VAT - Immediate Recall (n = 45)a -0.29 (1.11) -8.50 - 1.00 VAT - Delayed Recall (n = 43)a 0.17 (1.46) -6.67 - 0.67 Semantic fluency (2min) (n = 55)a -0.39 (0.85) -1.95 - 2.92 Processing speed (n = 57)a -0.63 (1.13) -5.02 – 0.59 TMT - Part A (n = 56)a -0.52 (1.21) -5.02 - 1.04 STROOP - Naming (n = 53)a -0.57 (1.08) -3.00 - 1.00