Eva van Grinsven

22 Supplementary materials across patients with and without cognitive fatigue (Supplementary Table 6). Patient with cognitive fatigue half-way through the NCA had an overall worse score regarding processing speed than patients without cognitive fatigue at the same time point. Performance on other cognitive domains did not differ. Additionally, to assess whether there was a difference in the amount of patients with a cognitive impairment between patients with and without cognitive fatigue chi-square tests were performed (Supplementary Table 7). No significant differences were found for any of the cognitive domains. Supplementary Figure 2. Reasons for not completing cognitive tasks. Light grey colored boxes indicate tasks that are part of the core battery. Icons indicate the reasons for not completing a task as indicated by the legend in the upper right corner. Abbreviations: FEEST, Facial Expressions of Emotion – Stimuli and Tests; HVLT-R, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test – Revised; HVOT, Hooper Visual Organization Test; ROCT, Rey Osterieth Complex Figure Test; TMT, trail making test; VAT, Visual Association Test. A