Eva van Grinsven

28 Supplementary materials SUPPLEMENTARY RESULTS Baseline subjective cognitive performance Supplementary Figure 1. Subjective cognitive performance comparing pre-radiotherapy to the pre-cancer performance. Note: stable performance (±5), subtle improvement or decline (±6-25), substantial improvement or decline (±26-50) and extreme improvement or decline (±>50). Post-radiotherapy subjective cognitive performance Supplementary Table 3. Factors associated with 3 months post-radiotherapy changes in subjective cognitive performance. Variable Decline, n (%) Improvement, n (%) Mixed, n (%) Stable, n (%) p Age ≤65 6 (30) 6 (30) 4 (20) 4 (20) .248 ≥66 8 (50) 5 (31) 0 (0) 3 (19) KPS ≤80 7 (32) 6 (27) 3 (14) 6 (27) .386 ≥90 7 (50) 5 (36) 1 (7) 1 (7) Primary tumor Lung 6 (35) 6 (35) 3 (18) 2 (12) .465 Other 8 (42) 5 (26) 1 (5) 5 (26) Extracranial metastases A