Eva van Grinsven

35 Appendices retrieval of semantic knowledge. For the letter fluency we used total number of correct words after three 60-seconds trials and for the semantic fluency the number of correct words within the category. Supplementary Table 1. Neuropsychological tasks and corresponding scores. Neuropsychological task Cognitive domain Raw score Boston Naming Testa Naming ability Total correct Letter fluencyb Verbal fluency Total amount of correct, unique words over three 60-seconds trials Semantic fluencyc Verbal fluency Total amount of correct, unique words within 60 seconds RAVLT - Dutch versiond Verbal memory Immediate recall (trial 1-5) Delayed recall score Delayed recognition score ROCFTe Visuoconstructive abilities Direct copy WAIS-III or WAIS-IV Digit Spanf Attention Span Forward span Working Memory Backward span Trail Making Testg Psychomotor speed Time to complete part A Switching Ratio score (B/A) Abbreviations: RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; ROCFT; Rey-Osterieth Complex Figure Test; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; aBoston Naming Task, Heesbeen, Van Loon-Vervoorn, 2001. bPhonologic Verbal Fluency Test (Lexical Fluency) (Harrison, Buxton, Husain, Wise, 2010; Schmand, Groenink, Van Den Dungen, 2008). cSemantic Verbal Fluency Test, Harrison et al, 2010 (Gerritsen et al., Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen, 2012). d15 Words Test (15WT) (Saan, Deelman, 1986). eBerry, Carpenter, 1992; Spreen, Strauss, 1998 fWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Third Edition Digit Span (WAIS-III) (WAIS-III Administration and scoring manual, 1997), Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition Digit Span (WAIS-IV) (WAIS-IV-NL Technische handleiding, 2013).g Giovagnoli, Del Pesce, Mascheroni, Simoncelli, Laiacona, Capitani, 1996 (Drane, Yuspeh, Huthwaite, & Klinger, 2002)