Eva van Grinsven

42 Supplementary materials Supplementary Figure 4. SVR-LSM results for the RAVLT delayed recognition for both groups combined when etiology was added as covariate. Panel A shows the lesion overlap for this task when lesions from both groups are combined. The color bar indicates the number of patients with overlapping lesions. Panel B shows the voxels that were significantly associated with worse performance (yellow). The yellow color indicates the p-value for each voxel. Letter fluency (Supplementary Figure 5) Lesions within the left insula (most voxels with peak significance, 22.7%) were most strongly associated with worse letter fluency performance when the groups were combined. Additionally, the left putamen (35.1%), inferior frontal gyrus opercular (24.4%), caudate nucleus (15.9%) and long segment (12.1%) were significantly involved in the task performance. In general, there was good consensus with brain areas found in the etiology specific and combined lesion-symptom maps (Supplementary Figure 5 and Supplementary Table 5). A