Eva van Grinsven

46 Supplementary materials Supplementary Table 4. Average lesion frequency, including all tumor and stroke patients. Grey matter areas are in reference to the AAL atlas, white matter areas in reference to the CAT atlas. Only those areas are shown in which at least 3 patients had a lesion. The average overlap is the percentage of patients with a lesion in that area compared to the total group. (continued) Area name % overlap of total Area name % overlap of total Tumor Stroke Tumor Stroke Supplementary motor area L 12.76 Precuneus L 9.69 2.04 R 8.16 R 8.67 2.72 Olfactory cortex L 15.82 Paracentral lobule L 9.69 R 5.10 4.08 R 8.16 Superior frontal gyrus, medial L 11.73 Caudate nucleus L 18.88 7.48 R 6.63 R 9.69 8.84 Superior frontal gyrus, medial orbital L 7.14 Putamen L 21.94 9.52 R 3.06 R 10.71 11.56 Gyrus rectus L 13.27 Pallidum L 18.37 7.48 R 3.57 R 6.63 7.48 Insula L 24.49 8.16 Thalamus L 11.73 2.04 R 14.80 11.56 R 6.12 Cingulate gyrus, anterior part L 12.76 Heschl gyrus L 21.43 6.80 R 9.18 R 13.27 4.76 Cingulate gyrus, mid part L 13.27 Superior temporal gyrus L 22.96 4.76 R 9.18 R 11.73 4.76 Cingulate gyrus, posterior part L 3.06 Temporal pole: superior temporal gyrus L 21.94 2.72 R 2.04 R 10.20 4.76 A