Eva van Grinsven

49 Appendices Supplementary Table 5. Detailed descriptions of the anatomical location of significant voxels identified by the SVR-LSM analyses when the tumor and stroke group were combined. Numbers represent the percentage of tested voxels that were significant for that atlas in SVR-LSM analyses. Starred atlas areas contain the peak z-values in most voxels for each cognitive task. If a task was found to be associated with more than 5 atlas areas, only tested areas containing at least 5% significant voxels are reported. Smaller clusters are included if they contained peak z-values for that task. Grey matter areas are listed above the dotted horizontal line, white matter areas below. All anatomical areas are defined based on the AALCAT atlas. Abbreviations: Hem, hemisphere; L, left; R, right. Anatomical location Hem Direct recall Delayed recall Recognition Letter fluency Semantic fluency Precentral gyrus L 5.6 21.5 Inferior frontal gyrus. opercular L 24.4 Inferior frontal gyrus. triangular L 9.0 Rolandic operculum L 8.0 Insula L 22.7* Hippocampus L 38.2 39.2 50.0 ParaHippocampal gyrus L 14.8 18.1 14.9 Fusiform gyrus L 8.3 12.9 11.6 Caudate nucleus L 13.4 15.9 23.1 Putamen L 6.3 35.1 Thalamus L 15.5 Heschl gyrus L 6.2 Superior temporal gyrus L 11.2 Middle temporal gyrus L 6.1 5.3 38.1* Inferior temporal gyrus L 14.4 17.6 32.9 Anterior segment L 5.8 8.7 Arcuate fasciculus L 6.1 5.9 Cingulum L 7.3 7.0