Eva van Grinsven

53 Appendices Supplementary Figure 9. Lesion-symptom mapping results with SVR-LSM or VLSM for the RAVLT delayed recall (A), letter fluency (B) and semantic fluency (C) for the stroke group. Voxels significantly associated with worse performance are color-coded indicating voxels only found in multivariate analyses in blue, only found in univariate analyses in orange and voxels found by both analyses in green. Supplementary Figure 10. Lesion-symptom mapping results with SVR-LSM or VLSM for the RAVLT delayed recall (A), letter fluency (B) and semantic fluency (C) for the stroke group. Voxels significantly associated with worse performance are color-coded indicating voxels only found in multivariate analyses in blue, only found in univariate analyses in orange and voxels found by both analyses in green. Numbers underneath the slices indicate the slice position in MNI space.