Eva van Grinsven

63 Appendices CHAPTER 7 IN- AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA Inclusion criteria: • Age ≥ 18 years; • Either radiographic and/or histologic proof of metastatic brain disease eligible for brain radiation therapy; • Eligible for brain irradiation for prophylaxis or treatment; • Expected survival ≥ 5 months, as determined by Graded Prognostic Assessment (GPA) score; • Sufficient knowledge of the Dutch language to allow reliable use of the standardized tests and understand the study information; • Participation in the COIMBRA cohort, with given consent for filling in quality of life questionnaires. Exclusion criteria: • Standard contraindications for 3T MRI scanning; • Standard contraindications for using the RespirAct RA-MRTM MRI UNIT (see D2 IMDD 2.5 contraindications); • Medical contraindications to limited hypercapnia (known metabolic acidosis or alkalosis); • Unwilling or unable to cooperate with breathing manoeuvres or keeping still; • Noncompliance with prescribed anti-seizure medication; • Severe current neurological or psychiatric diseases not related to the primary malignancy or cerebral metastases; • History of cerebrovascular disease (ischaemic stroke or intracranial haemorrhage); • Non-prophylactic use of > 4 mg dexamethasone on the day of participation; • Cardiovascular disease: congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Class III to IV), symptomatic ischemia, conduction abnormalities uncontrolled by conventional intervention, and myocardial infarction within past 6 months; • Pulmonary disease: oxygen dependency at rest or with exercise, restrictive lung disease with resting respiratory rate over 15 breaths/min; • Concurrent severe or uncontrolled medical disease (e.g., active systemic infection); • History of bleomycin treatment; • Body weight <30 kg or >100 kg • Pregnancy