Anne Fleur Kortekaas-Rijlaarsdam

APPENDIX 178 ABOU T T H E AU T HOR Anne Fleur Kortekaas-Rijlaarsdam (1985) was born in Leiden and she obtained her high school degree in Noordwijk (2004). After a trip around the world (2005) and after completing her propedeutic exam in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at the Technical University Eindhoven (2006), she obtained her bachelor degree in Biological Psychology at Maastricht University (2009, cum laude). During her bachelor, she also graduated from the faculty’s Honours programme. In 2009, she started the Research Master in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience. During this research master she did several clinical internships (GGZ Centraal, location Juliana Oord & University Medical Center Utrecht, department of Neuropsychology). For her Master-thesis, she did a research internship at the University Medical Center Utrecht, department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, focusing on the potential of 7 Tesla fMRI in the pre- surgical localization of language in patients with brain tumors. She obtained her Master’s degree in 2011 (cum laude and top-3% student). In 2012, Anne Fleur started as a PhD student at the department of Clinical Neuropsychology of the VU University. Her research focused on the effects of methylphenidate, the most common pharmacological treatment for ADHD, on academic performance and (feedback) learning. During her PhD, she started working as a lecturer at the department of Educational and Family Studies, section Educational Sciences (2016). While completing her PhD, she became mother of Seb (2013), Laure (2015) and Roos (2017). Currently, Anne Fleur continues to work at the department of Educational and Family Studies as a lecturer and coordinator of the Bachelor, Premaster and Academic PABO (academy for primary school teachers), where she aims to narrow the gap between scientific research and educational practice.